Emblem of Severed Fate Artifacts and Locations

Where to obtain the Emblem of Severed Fate set?
Crafting Table

By offering 5 pieces of 5-star of any random artifacts that you think are bad pieces to the crafting table, you can obtain an item called, “Artifact Strongbox: Golden Troupe.” With this item, it gives you a random piece of Golden Troupe similar to the artifact domain. 

It is recommended when you wish to destroy some pieces of an artifact, but there’s no other method to do so, or maybe when you just don’t feel like completing a domain for the artifact.

Recommended Character Set for Emblem of Severed Fate
2-Piece Set Increases Elemental Skill DMG

Emblem of Severed Fate: 2-Piece set will provide Energy Recharge +20%,

4-Piece Set Further Increase The Elemental Skill DMG For Off-Field Characters

4-Piece set will increase Elemental Burst DMG by 25% of Energy Recharge.

Basically Those Character shown on the table does not in the battle field only appearing for elemental skill only with Emblem of Severed Fate.

CharacterElemental4-Piece Set


element_electro– Considered the best Artifact set for Raiden Shogun
– 4-piece set will give ample Energy Recharge and boost in damage for the burst


Element_Hydro– 4-Piece set will increase Elemental Burst uptime while also increasing its damage


element_pyro– 4-Piece set will increase Elemental Burst uptime while also increasing its damage


Element_Hydro– 4-Piece set will increase Elemental Burst uptime while also increasing its damage


Element_Hydro– 4-Piece set will increase Elemental Burst uptime while also increasing its damage


– 4-Piece set will increase Elemental Burst uptime while also increasing its damage

Emblem of Severed Fate is the best artifact for increasing Enedy Recharge for 20% in 2 Piece depending on character’s status of Enegy Recgarge, more willl get since the percentage of Enegy Recharfe can be obtained.

4-Piece Set Increases Elemental Burst DMG Depending On The Character’s Energy Recharge. This is great for characters that deals high DMG with Elemental Burst lsuch as Raiden Xiangling Xingqiu Yelan Kaeya and Rosaria Fischl.

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