2023.12.1 Genshin Impact, Artifacts : 0
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Artifacts are items that character can equipp for appropriate 2 set and 4 set which increase the amount of
damage related to elemnatal skill and attack in Genshin Impact.Appropriate Artifact set for 2set and 4set
affect any of elemental character such as Cyro, Dendro, Electro, GEO, Hydro, Pyro.
Artifact has 5 Type “Flower”,”Feather”,”Sand”,”Goblet” and “Circle” shown table below.
Attack is more likely to be normal attack depending on critic ratio which supposed to be 1:2 build way.(Crtic Rate is 1 Critic Bonous Damage is 2 based on Genshin Impact building any of character).
Defence:On the other hand Defence is supposed to defensive team from aggresive boss or abis room may be. Recommended character will be GEO,
Goblet need to be “Physical Attack” Artifical set.
Also called “EM” is supposed to gain more bonous skill damage shown in table in sub set. If 2 set 3 set in appropriate artifical type place to set:Sand and Goblet and Circlet relate to be more elemental damageable.
how fast you can obtain enegy of elementl. Elementary Charger can be set in only Sands.
Some Character can be gained by elemental skill more with an amount of HP with Sands which related to the high bonous damage such as “Yelang” “Furina” “Kirara” and others.
Critic Ratio in very important role to play Genshin Impact as close as building 1:2 1:Critic Ratio. ” 2:Critic Bonous Damage related to Attacking as well as Elemntal Damage.
Appropriate Artifact set for 2set and 4set affect any of elemental character Cyro,Dendro,Electro,GEO,Hydro,Pyro in Goblet only.
Answer is Yes.
Archaic Petra
Blizzard Strayer
Bloodstained Chivalry
Crimson Witch of Flames
Deepwood Memories
Defender’s Will
Desert Pavilion Chronicle
Emblem of Severed Fate
Echoes of an Offering/P>
Flower of Paradise Lost
Gladiator’s Finale
Gilded Dreams
Golden Troupe
Heart of Depth
Husk of Opulent Dreams
Lucky Dog
Maiden Beloved
Marechaussee Hunter
Noblesse Oblige
Nymph’s Dream
Ocean-Hued Clam
Pale Flame
Resolution of Sojourner
Retracing Bolide
Shimenawa’s Reminiscence
Tenacity of the Millelith
The Exile
Thundering Fury
Tiny Miracle
Traveling Doctor
Vermillion Hereafter
Viridescent Venerer
Vourukasha’s Glow
Wanderer’s Troupe
Emblem of Severed Fate increase Elemental Skill DMG by more 25%.
Boblesse Oblige support for all characters in team attacking more 25%.
Building character as EM Grilded Dream is recommended.
Golden Troupe is the best for Elemntal skill damage only. Pale Flame is for Physical Damge.
Weapon is helpful to increase more Attack.
Number of Attack can be increased by level such as 90(MAX) or 80 for the character. More detail about all weapon is here
Need Ascension Materials to level up character show increasing how much material needs to build up to 80 or 90 Lev.
For Example Furina Ascension Materials
Update each of character Ascension Material’s description later on.
2023.12.3 Genshin Impact, Material : 0
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2023.12.19 Genshin Impact, Artifacts : 0
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