2023.12.3 Genshin Impact : 0
New Banner!
Yelan is a good DPS main, but it’s her passive damage output after using her Depth-Clarion Dice Elemental Burst while not on the field that makes Yelan a great sub DPS character. On the 16th of August, Yelan’s banner was released on version 4.0. Her banner, Discerner of Enigmas, features Yelan as the limited 5-star character banner along with the newest 4-star character Barbara. Benette, Yanfeo. Main focus in this article specifically will be hold in Inazuma.
Charge attack: Her Boost Damage in Electro, Dendro, Pyro, or Cryo is good way. Yelan’s Elemental Burst as often as possible, then switching to another element and applying damage. Yelan is particularly good in Hyperbloom teams. Additional Hydro Damage paired with Xinquie is great idea. Best Team is Hyperbloom Team.
Normal Attack Perform up to 4 consecutive shots with a bow. Charged Attack Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG. While aiming, flowing water will accumulate on the arrowhead. A fully charged torrential arrow will deal Hydro DMG. Breakthrough Yelan will enter a “Breakthrough” state after spending 5s out of combat, which will cause her next Charged Aimed Shot to have 80% decreased charge time, and once charged, she can fire a “Breakthrough Barb” that will deal AoE Hydro DMG based on Yelan’s Max HP. Plunging Attack Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Fires off a Lifeline that allows her to move rapidly, entangling and marking opponents along its path. When this rapid movement ends, the Lifeline will explode, dealing Hydro DMG to the marked opponents based on Yelan’s Max HP. Press Moves a certain distance forward swiftly. Hold Engages in continuous, swift movement, during which Yelan’s resistance to interruption is increased. During this time, Yelan can control this rapid movement and end it by using this Skill again. Additionally, each opponent marked by the “Lifeline” when it explodes grants Yelan a 34% chance to reset her “Breakthrough” state.
Deals AoE Hydro DMG and creates an “Exquisite Throw,” which aids her in battle. Exquisite Throw This follows the character around and will initiate a coordinated attack under the following circumstances, dealing Hydro DMG based on Yelan’s Max HP: This can occur once every second when your active character uses a Normal Attack. Will occur each time Yelan’s Lifeline explodes and hits opponents.
Lingering Lifeline gains 1 additional charge.
When Exquisite Throw conducts a coordinated attack, it will fire an additional water arrow that will deal 14% of Yelan’s Max HP as Hydro DMG.
Increases the Level of Depth-Clarion Dice by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Increases all party members’ Max HP by 10% for 25s for every opponent marked by Lifeline when the Lifeline explodes. A maximum increase of 40% Max HP can be attained in this manner.
Increases the Level of Lingering Lifeline by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
After using Depth-Clarion Dice, Yelan will enter the Mastermind state. In this state, all of Yelan’s Normal Attacks will be special Breakthrough Barbs. These Breakthrough Barbs will have similar abilities to normal ones and the DMG dealt will be considered Charged Attack DMG, dealing 156% of a normal Breakthrough Barb’s DMG. The Mastermind state lasts 20s and will be cleared after Yelan fires 5 arrows.
The best Yelan Artifacts in Genshin Impact for a sub DPS build help recharge her energy quickly, so you can use Depth-Clarion Dice as many as possible. Using Artifacts that raise Yelan’s Elemental Burst damage is also recommended. 4-piece Emblem of Severed Fate set is Yelan’s best Artifact.
Sands: HP%
Goblet: HP% or Hydro DMG bonus
Circlet: Crit Rate/DMG with the usual 1:2 ratio
With Elemental Mastery, HP%, Energy Recharge, Crit Rate or Crit DMG as the sub-stats.
Aqua Simulacra
Favonius Warbow (Obtainable via any wishing banners)
Elegy for the End
Key of Khaj-Nisut(Obtainable via limited weapon banner, Epitome Invocation)
Sacrificial Bow R5
Pairing Yelan with Dendro characters like Nahida or Traveler can create amazing Hyperbloom damage. Another Way is a party with Pyro characters like Hu Tao or Xiangling can create just as good Vaporize damage.
Raiden Shogun, DPS Character support recharge Yelan’s energy, so she can take the advantage of the elemental damage boost gained after Yelan activates Depth-Clarion Dice same itme Raiden active in Elemental Burst.
Another Electro user with decent DPS can also work, like Cyno, or Beidou as a 4-Star option. Yelan, Raiden, and a Dendro unit like Nahida or Traveler are good choice for Hyperbloom team.
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