2023.11.13 Genshin Impact : 0
New Banner!
Genshin Impact Blog Page Intoroduce about Furina Build as the best we well as altnernative way.
“The absolute focus of the stage of judgement, until the final applause sound.” On the 8th of November, Furina’s banner was released on version 4.2. Her banner, Chanson of Many Water, features Furina as the limited 5-star character banner along with the newest 4-star character Charlotte. However, our main focus in this article specifically will be just Furina de Fontaine.
Name: Furina De Fontaine
Birthday: 13th of October (Libra)
Vision: The character does not hold onto a vision, so her hydro power are not classified as vision, but she’s a Hydro Character
Constellation: Animula Choragi
Normal attack: Furina does 4 strikes.
Charge attack: Once the attack is charged, Furina will switch her alignments, Pneumia and Ousia. In Pneumia Arkhe alignment, Furina acts as a support/healer, meanwhile she becomes a sub-DPS in Ousia Arkhe alignment. She also deals physical damage to nearby opponents with her charged attack. “Salon Members” and “Singers of Many Waters”, that were summoned using her elemental skill, Salon Solitaire, will switch role along with her alignment accordingly.
P.s. Her elemental skill’s duration lasts for 30s, and her summons shares duration. Meaning, if Salon Members have been on the field for 15s, the Singers of Many Waters that is switched to will only remain on the field for 15s. However, if Furina does not switch her Arkhe alignment, then either Salon Members or Singers of Many Waters that are on the field will last of 30s.
Normal Attack: Performs up to 4 consecutive strikes. Charged Attack Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash a solo dance, dealing Physical DMG to nearby opponents and changing her Arkhe alignment. If Salon Members or Singer of Many Waters summoned by her Elemental Skill “Salon Solitaire” are present, their lineup will switch in response. Arkhe: Seats Sacred and Secular At intervals, when Furina’s Normal Attacks hit, a Spiritbreath Thorn or a Surging Blade will descend based on her current alignment, dealing Hydro DMG based on her current alignment. When Furina takes the field, her starting Arkhe will be Ousia. Plunging Attack Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Ousia:In this alignment, Furina works as a sub-DPS. By using her elemental skill, she summons three hydro creatures called “Salon Members,” and they will attack the target of the active character with the damage scales off the character’s max HP. One thing to take note of is that, if the HP of the character(s) in her team is 50% or above, the Salon Members will consume their HP, and increase their current attack. The more characters that will “offers” their HP, the more the damage of the Salon Members will increase. For instance, 1/2/3/4 will correspondingly increase the attack of Salon Members by 110%/120%/130%/140%.
Summons the Singer of Many Waters, who will heal nearby active character(s) based on Max HP at intervals. The Salon Members and Singer of Many Waters share a duration, and when Furina uses her Charged Attack to change the guest type, the new guests will inherit the initial duration. While the Salon Members and the Singer of Many Waters are on the field, Furina can move on the water’s surface.
Rouses the impulse to revel, creating a stage of foam that will deal AoE Hydro DMG based on Furina’s Max HP and cause nearby party members to enter the Universal Revelry state: During this time, when nearby party members’ HP increases or decreases, 1 Fanfare point will be granted to Furina for each percentage point of their Max HP by which their HP changes. At the same time, Furina will increase the DMG dealt by and Incoming Healing Bonus of all nearby party members based on the amount of Fanfare she has. When the duration ends, Furina’s Fanfare points will be cleared.
When the active character in your party receives healing, if the source of the healing is not Furina herself and the healing overflows, then Furina will heal a nearby party member for 2% of their Max HP once every 2s within the next 4s.
Every 1,000 points of Furina’s Max HP can buff the different Arkhe-aligned Salon Solitaire in the following ways: Will increase Salon Member DMG dealt by 0.7%, up to a maximum of 28%. Will decrease active character healing interval of the Singer of Many Waters by 0.4%, up to a maximum of 16%.
Xenochromatic Fontemer Aberrant ability CD decreased by 30%.
While Let the People Rejoice lasts, Furina’s Fanfare gain from increases or decreases in nearby characters’ HP is increased by 250%. Each point of Fanfare above the limit will increase Furina’s Max HP by 0.35%. Her maximum Max HP increase is 140%.
Increases the Level of Let the People Rejoice by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
When the Salon Members from Salon Solitaire hit an opponent, or the Singer of Many Waters restores HP to the active character, Furina will restore 4 Energy. This effect triggers once every 5s.
When using Salon Solitaire, Furina gains “Center of Attention” for 10s. Throughout the duration, Furina’s Normal Attacks, Charged Attacks, and Plunging Attacks are converted into Hydro DMG which cannot be overridden by any other elemental infusion. DMG is also increased by an amount equivalent to 18% of Furina’s max HP. Throughout the duration, Furina’s Normal Attacks (not including Arkhe: Seats Sacred and Secular Attacks), Charged Attacks, and the impact of Plunging Attacks will cause different effects up to every 0.1s after hitting opponents depending on her current Arkhe alignment:
Arkhe: Ousia
Every 1s, all nearby characters in the party will be healed by 4% of Furina’s max HP, for a duration of 2.9s. Triggering this effect again will extend its duration. Arkhe: Pneuma This Normal Attack (not including Arkhe: Seats Sacred and Secular Attacks), Charged Attack, or Plunging Attack ground impact DMG will be further increased by an amount equivalent to 25% of Furina’s max HP. When any of the attacks mentioned previously hit an opponent, all nearby characters in the party will consume 1% of their current HP. During the duration of each instance of “Center of Attention,” the above effects can be triggered up to 6 times. “Center of Attention” will end when its effects have triggered 6 times or when the duration expires.
Stats that should be focused on will be:
Sands: HP%
Goblet: HP% or Hydro DMG bonus
Circlet: Crit Rate/DMG with the usual 1:2 ratio
With Elemental Mastery, HP%, Energy Recharge, Crit Rate or Crit DMG as the sub-stats.
Splendor Of Tranquil Waters
Naturally, Furina’s signature weapon, Splendor of Tranquil Waters, is the most suitable weapon for her. However, there are some alternative which you can use as a substitute to Splendor of Tranquil Waters as well. Those includes:
Key of Khaj-Nisut(Obtainable via limited weapon banner, Epitome Invocation)
Festering desire (Obtainable via exclusive event, Story Quest of The Chalk Prince and the Dragon)
Favonius Sword (Obtainable via any wishing banners)
Fleuve Cendre Ferryman which give you critic rate and elemental recharger
In terms of team comp, Furina supports, heals, and deal damage off field, making her fitting for any types of DPS regardless of how they work. For instance, Furina is also sutiable for Alhaithem with the right Elemental Mastery, since Alhaithem is the type of character that focuses a lot on Elemental Mastery. However, since her Elemental Skill in Ousia form consumes HP of her teammates, thus, a healer would be very much needed.
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