Tekken7 Blog Beginners Guide “Frame Idea”

Tekken Frame Data describes how much of an advantage or disadvantage a character is at after a move he or she performs is on block or hit.

Every attack in Tekken 7 has some Startup Frames and Recovery Frames on block, hit, and whiff. How fast a character recovers from an attack determines whether you can punish the attacker or not. For instance, every character’s 1 is a punch with 10 Startup Frames and is +1 on block. It means that if Player-A did 1 punch and Player-B blocked it, Player-A’s next move will come 1 frame faster than Player-B’s.

It is important that you have an idea of what your quickest attacks are and how to punish your opponent’s misplays. Now coming to attacks that are -10 frames or higher on block, all of them are considered punishable. Punishing an opponent depends upon a variety of factors like your character’s moves, wall-placement, etc. Generally, an attack that is -10 frames on block is punishable with a quick 1, 2. You can launch an opponent for a combo if you manage to punish an attack that is -15 on block.

Finally, coming to whiffs, every whiffed-attack in Tekken 7 is punishable. You can force an opponent to whiff an attack by moving out of its range, sidestepping, or by crouching the High attacks. For instance, if you manage to whiff Law’s 1, 2 by crouching as Jack-7, you should easily punish it with your WS + 1 with a quick follow-up combo.

What is frame

A frame, in the context of video games, refers to a frame of animation. If we were to analyze this static King of Fighters image above, it would count as 1 frame of animation.

Why frame data is an important?

Whether you want to crunch the numbers or not, frame data is one of the key elements that drives how a game works. Without knowing it, you probably already use your sub-conscious knowledge of frame data to determine the best course of action. If you at least understand the high-level concepts of frame data, you’ll be better understand how the game works, why certain things play out the way they do and how to use frame data to your advantage.

It is always good to experiment with different characters and “know your enemy frame”

Authorized All media contents by all my freinds,Tekken Team

Understanding of Taking advantage of “Attacking Frame”

General Guide for Frame below :

Attacking of Jab

When your attack with your opponent, it hits you hvae an oppotunity to attack continously since you have +frame such as +8 for Jab. Because of opponent player are hit the opponent player status is -8 which make more difficult to fight againt you.

Understanding of Taking advantage of “Defending Frame”

As I stated above Block which means +1 for Jab which give you advatnage of +1. next Jab you attempt  10 frame goes to 9 frame since you are blocked +1

Defending of Jab

Using “Practice Mode” to strength your frame

Since you are ready for understanding of frame concept you can mix up with any of frame within + or –

Frame advantage can be represented as a positive or negative number. There are also two different types of frame advantage for each move, as frame advantage is different for when a move hits and when a move is blocked. Let’s use Xiaoyu against Zafina in practice mode.


Understanding of Taking advantage of “Attacking Frame”

Understanding of Taking advantage of “Defending Frame”

Knows”Frame Concept”

Using “Practice Mode” to strength your frame

7 essential Tekken 7 tips for beginners. There is still much to learn such as frame pacing for each move and a plethora of combos to practice with. However, this beginner’s guide should put you on the right path to become a better player. Keep at it and remember, Tekken 7 is a difficult-to-master fighting game.

In Next Page, Guide you Punish Idea below

Tekken 7 beginner’s guide

Here is right way to understand Tekken concept showing general idea of tekken fighting,Practical Mode Play,Frame and Combo

When you play Tekken 7 for the first time, you will spend on amount of time considering which character might fit you as well as practing to remenber right buttom to attack or defend.

Also, you need to understand the opponent character to attack or defend which makes you struggle.

However, you’ll guradually improve attack or defend skill.

In my guide, I’ll provide you with Tekken 7 beginner’s guide written below. Keep in mind that this Tekken 7 beginner’s guide only covers the basics. Only with dedication and practice will you have a chance of becoming the next King of Iron Fist.

First,Pick Your Character Wisely

It is not good idea to master all of the Tekken 7 characters spending on amount of time. But It is always good to experiment with different characters and “know your enemy” when you are an absolute beginner, you need a character that is comparatively easier to use.

Authorized All media contents by all my freinds,Tekken Team

#めんまさんの日常 #xiaoyu #yoshiden

Guide Tekken Button

After picking the character you want to focus on as a beginner, you need to learn the basics of attacking in Tekken 7. The game follows a four-button attack layout, with each representing a character limb. In basic terms, you have two buttons, one for each arm, and two buttons, one for each leg.

As an example, controls for PS4 are as follows:

Tekken 7 has three distinct basic attacks, namely high, mid and low. The high-attack will hit standing opponents, while the mid-attack will hit both standing and crouching opponents. Lastly, the low-attack will hit both standing and crouching opponents. Pressing or holding in directional buttons while pressing one of the attack buttons will also open up possibilities for other attack moves. Just don’t forget to mix things up. Never spam the same basic attack over and over again, as that is a recipe for disaster.Armed with the basic knowledge of attacking, you can head into the Practice Mode and start learning some easy combos. We suggest you learn the basics of movement in a 3D space.

Fighting Movement in a 3D space

Tekken 7 is about 3D fighting mode. Moving forward and Back dash is an important.For Example you opponent is too fast to defend because of back dash
you are not enough to reach to attack you ight get damaged. The opponent player is smart enough to adjust the distance how you get counter attacked.
There are three keys to understand the movements below.

Dealing balance role in Fighting much.

Practical Mode Play – Understand of Frame and Combo

Undertsanding of New character came up 2021 called “Lidia”

As with any fighting game, practice makes perfect. Therefore, it is essential that you head into Tekken 7’s Practice Mode. This mode allows you to practice all the previous points in Tekken 7 beginner’s guide and more. You have access to visual queues for all combos, special moves and launchers. The Practice Mode also provides you with a variety of options and what stances your opponent should take. You can even set your opponent to mimic all your movements.

This is where you truly start to understand the intricacies of the game and how deep it really is. You can go deep into hit or guard or set up certain attacks and so much more. Tekken 7’s Practice Mode is one of the most advanced out there.


7 essential Tekken 7 tips for beginners. There is still much to learn such as frame pacing for each move and a plethora of combos to practice with. However, this beginner’s guide should put you on the right path to become a better player. Keep at it and remember, Tekken 7 is a difficult-to-master fighting game.