2021.12.19 Tekken7 : 0
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Gigas is a character in the Tekken series who is introduced in Tekken 7 as one of the new playable characters.[3] Gigas is a hulking man who was experimented on by G Corporation, leading to his current appearance and enhanced fighting abilities. He is mostly unable to communicate and is animalistic in his attacks. He is the adopted father of Katarina Alves.Gigas was revealed to be the adoptive father of Katarina Alves. He adopted her from the orphanage she was sent to after the deaths of her parents. He is also the one who taught Katarina in the art of Savate before his sudden disappearance. He disappeared after he was captured by G Corporation. He was experimented on and mutated into a red hulking beast through the use of other fighter’s DNA. G-Corporation intended to use him as a biotechnological weapon, and the research wing working on him considered themselves rivals to the department working on the Jack robots. He was entered into the King of the Iron Fist Tournament in order to test his fighting capabilities.
Gigas fights using an “original” fighting style which is simply referred as “Destructive Impulse”. When observing the movements and motions of his attacks, it is safe to assume that no technique is utilized in this fighting style and is simply sheer brute force using Gigas’ immense strength and animalistic instincts.
2022.1.13 Tekken7 : 0
Biography Intoroduce About Geese Howard Fighting way and Combo Guideline Geese Howard is a fictional character in various fighting game series, most notably in the "Fatal Fury" and "The King of Fighters" series by SNK. He is also known for making guest ...
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Biography Intoroduce about Leroy Smith fighting style as well as Tekken7 frame Leroy Smith is a character in the Tekken series of video games created by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Making his first appearance in Tekken 7, he is an ...
2022.1.8 Tekken7 : 0
Biography Intoroduce about Akuma Fighting Method and Tactics for Combo Guideline. Akuma is also known as Gouki "Great Demon", "Great Devil" or "Great Ogre" in Japan, Akuma is Special Guest Character in Tekken 7 fron the Street ...
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