2021.12.19 Tekken7 : 0
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Intoroduce about Leroy Smith fighting style as well as Tekken7 frame Leroy Smith is a character in the Tekken series of video games created by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Making his first appearance in Tekken 7, he is an American martial artist introduced as part of the third season pass, originally announced alongside Zafina during the EVO 2019 finals.
Nearly a half century ago, a young boy named Leroy Smith lost his entire family to the violence in New York.
Many years passed…
Amidst Leroy’s quest, a gang lord familiar with the old days informed Leroy that it was the Mishima Zaibatsu that was behind the war that tore the city apart a half a century ago. Surprised that the mega conglomerate currently waging a war to split the world in two was also responsible for the atrocities committed so long ago, Leroy nonetheless resolved to eradicate the corporation if it truly was behind all of the evils he had seen. To carry out his quest, he decided to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament, which was organized by the Mishima Zaibatsu itself.
Leroy fights using Wing Chun, a fighting style developed around defensive counters to opponents advances. Wing Chun is characterized by its defensive stance and use of parries and evasion to provide opportunities to land fierce debilitating strikes to opponents vital areas and weak spots.
Like Kazumi Mishima and Devil Kazumi, who can summon their pet tiger or white tiger respectively, Leroy also summons his pet in battle; a female pit bull named Sugar. Sugar is less obedient than Kazumi’s tiger, however, and may not attack his opponent depending on whether she decides to follow her master’s orders or not.
2021.11.12 Tekken7, Tekken Event : 0
Tekken Online Challenge is a series of tournaments from Bandai Namco that Many Online Players can enter to play from all over the world. Each regional tournaments are open for player to enter and compete each other for a ...
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Biography Intoroduce About Jin Tekken7 Fighitng Style as well as Combo and Special and Basic Frame move. Jin Kazama is one of the main characters of the Tekken series. He is featured on the packaging for the console version of almost every ...
2021.11.24 Tekken7 : 0
Biography Zafina is a playable character in the Tekken series. She was introduced in Tekken 6 and appeared in Tekken Tag Tournament 2. She returns in Tekken 7 as a DLC character included in the third season pass. ...
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