2021.11.24 Tekken7 : 0
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Zafina is a playable character in the Tekken series. She was introduced in Tekken 6 and appeared in Tekken Tag Tournament 2. She returns in Tekken 7 as a DLC character included in the third season pass. Sha has alternative way for attacking such as normal and crounching on the ground.
Zafina’s fighting style, only referred to as “Ancient Assassination Arts“, has unique fighting stances and abnormal moves that director Katsuhiro Harada likened to that of a “spider”. Her style requires large levels of flexibility and even contortionism. Her Scarecrow stance is similar to a common Indian dance pose which has led some fans to erroneously believe that her style is based on Indian Kalaripayat, but the moves depicted in the game actually bear no resemblance to any existing martial art.
2021.12.19 Tekken7 : 0
Biography Intoroduce about Leroy Smith fighting style as well as Tekken7 frame Leroy Smith is a character in the Tekken series of video games created by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Making his first appearance in Tekken 7, he is an ...
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2022.1.8 Tekken7 : 0
Biography Lucky Chloe is Strong Character with Okizeme showing fighting method and Combo Guideline. She is revealed to be mischievous and childish, as seen in Eddy's ending where she outsmarts Eddy by giving him a childish drawing after leading him to ...
2021.11.12 Tekken7, Tekken Event : 0
The "Master Cup" is a series of major Tekken tournaments held in Japan. These tournaments are well-known for their large-scale participation, high level of competition, and enthusiastic community engagement. The tournaments attract top players from Japan and ...
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2021.10.18 : 0
2023.12.9 Genshin Impact : 7
2021.10.16 Tekken7 : 5